

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Helpful Hints for Exams!

It's a fact. . . exams are stressful! Take some of that stress off with some of these last minute tips:
  • Don't Cram! Your brain can only hold so much at one time. Hopefully you have been studying your exam review guides for the past few days. Continue to study a little at a time instead of cramming it all in at the last minute.
  • Get a good night's sleep before the exams. A restful night will help you focus and remember more than a late night of cramming!
  • Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning! A breakfast with protein is best. Eggs, bacon, sausage, peanut butter, and oatmeal are all great options. Stay away from anything too heavy or full of sugar. These things will just make you sleepy!
  • When you get the exam take a deep breath and relax! 
  • Read all directions before you get started.
  • Take it one question at a time. Answer the easy ones first and go back to those that are harder. Sometimes you may even find clues to the questions you don't know in other questions!
Good Luck and Remember: When you finish semester exams you are officially half-way through 8th grade! Let's get ready for a great 2nd semester!

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