

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

EXAMS and other important information!

The end of the semester is quickly approaching and that means EXAMS!! Eighth graders will have cumulative exams in all core classes next week. Many teachers have already given out study guides and talked to students about what they should be doing to prepare themselves for these important exams. Exams can greatly impact a semester grade (positively or negatively) so all students should be studying for these.

How will this impact my grade?
  • English I and Algebra I classes will take an exam that will count as a test grade, included in their Quarter 2 Average.
  • All other classes will have an exam that will count 20% of their semester average.
Exam Schedule:
Wednesday, January 15-Core 1 and Core 2 Exams
Thursday, January 16-Core 3 and Core 4 Exams

Other Eighth Grade Items of Importance:
  • Eighth grade t-shirts are still on sale for $12. Purchase your shirt from Ms. DePinto during lunch.
  • The 8th grade class picture will be on Friday. Order forms went home yesterday. If you would like to buy an 8th grade class photo bring your completed order form with $12 with you on Friday.
  • It is not too late to sign up for the Washington, DC field study! You can get the information on the trip and the number to call to register from Mr. Mew's website: You don't want to miss out on this great trip!
  • All 8th grade PE students will be starting the human development unit next Monday. A letter went home this past Monday describing the unit. Please read over this and return to your child's PE teacher by this Friday only if you do not want your child to participate in this unit of the health curriculum.

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