

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Dress Down Fundraiser will proceed as planned!

We will still have our SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Dress Down Day tomorrow. District guidelines will apply. Students are asked to donate either $5 or 5 canned goods to be able to dress down tomorrow, Friday, January 31st! All canned goods and monetary proceeds will go to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen and the St. Marys Food Pantry on Ogden Road. Way to give to others in service and caring, Wildcats!!

Softball Info Meeting moved to Friday

Softball Informational Meeting

Any 7th and/or 8th grade lady interested in playing softball should plan to attend an informational meeting tomorrow Friday, January 31th in Mr. Nesbitt's (6th Grade) room at 8:15 a.m.

Monday, January 27, 2014

This week in 8th Grade...

  • Monday
    • Basketball with boys here and girls at York 5:00 
    • School Board Meeting 
  • Tuesday
    • Team 8-3 Classroom Guidance with Mrs. DePinto
    • Wrestling at Oakridge 5:00 
  • Wednesday
    • Queenie Hall will be here working with NHD teachers and students 
  • Thursday
    • Academic Challenge Match vs Sullivan 5:00 (match held at STMS) 
    • Basketball with girls here and boys at Rawlinson Road 
    • SPHS AFJrROTC will speak to 8th grade students during Academy
  • Friday
    • Souper Bowl dress down day (5 cans of food or $5 to dress down)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Grade Level Snapshots, Photos, and Videos are available for you to enjoy...!

Be sure to join the STMS 8th Grade Class of 2014 Google+ Community for exclusive access to all photos and videos from 2011 to the present! Contact Mr. Moton for your personal invitation to join today!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

*SOUPER BOWL OF CARING* From Monday through...

Clayton Moton shared April Ulmer's post with you.
April Ulmer
From Monday through Friday morning, students are encouraged to bring in EITHER 5 non-perishable food items OR $5 to their  homebase  teacher.   If a student brings in 5 non-perishable items or $5, they will be allowed to dress down on Friday  January  31st....

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From Monday through Friday morning, students are encouraged to bring in EITHER 5 non-perishable food items OR $5 to t...

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*Girls on Track* Girls on the Track is starting...

Clayton Moton shared April Ulmer's post with you.
April Ulmer
Girls on Track
Girls on the Track is starting up again for a new season!  The girls do not have to be runners! Please see Ms. Johnson (6th Grade Guidance Counselor) or Ms. McAndrews (8th Grade math) for a flyer. Registration starts Monday, January 27th!  

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Girls on Track
Girls on the Track is starting up again for a new season!  The girls do not have to be runners! Please see Ms. Johnso...

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*Dress Code Changes* A committee comprised...

Clayton Moton shared April Ulmer's post with you.
April Ulmer
Dress Code Changes
A committee comprised of STMS parents, teachers, and administrators met recently to discuss our current dress code and the need to incorporate a few changes.  Attached are pictures of the changes that were voted on and implemented.  Students are now able to...

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Dress Code Changes
A committee comprised of STMS parents, teachers, and administrators met recently to discuss our current dress code an...

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This Week in 8th Grade...

  • Wednesday
    • Academic Challenge vs DCMS (4 pm)
    • Wrestling vs York (5 pm)
  • Thursday
    • Rising 9th Grade Night at your ZONED high school (6:30 pm)
    • Spanish Exams for semester students
    • Basketball vs Castle Heights (Boys play at STMS - 5 pm)
  • Friday
    • 8th Grade Pride Day (Wear your 8th Grade Class T-shirt)

8th Grade Pride Day, Friday January 24!

This Friday, January 24, is an 8th Grade Pride Day at STMS! Students will be allowed to sport their custom 8th Grade Class of 2014 T-shirts all day! Shirts are still available for $12! Don't be seen on Friday without one!! ;-)

Haven't signed up for the STMS 8th Grade C/O 2014 Google+ Community yet?

If you haven't, you are missing out on a HUMONGOUS collection of class memories that have been collected over the past two and a half years! Members are enjoying full access to everything available!  To join, you must have a working Google+ account.  See Mr. Moton or send an email to Mr. Moton for instructions on how to join!  Students AND parents are encouraged to join in and share!

Friday, January 17, 2014

STMS Ambassadors Induction Ceremony 2014

Congratulations to the 2014 STMS Student Ambassadors that were inducted this past Thursday! We appreciate your stewardship and service to Saluda Trail Middle School!
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Helpful Hints for Exams!

It's a fact. . . exams are stressful! Take some of that stress off with some of these last minute tips:
  • Don't Cram! Your brain can only hold so much at one time. Hopefully you have been studying your exam review guides for the past few days. Continue to study a little at a time instead of cramming it all in at the last minute.
  • Get a good night's sleep before the exams. A restful night will help you focus and remember more than a late night of cramming!
  • Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning! A breakfast with protein is best. Eggs, bacon, sausage, peanut butter, and oatmeal are all great options. Stay away from anything too heavy or full of sugar. These things will just make you sleepy!
  • When you get the exam take a deep breath and relax! 
  • Read all directions before you get started.
  • Take it one question at a time. Answer the easy ones first and go back to those that are harder. Sometimes you may even find clues to the questions you don't know in other questions!
Good Luck and Remember: When you finish semester exams you are officially half-way through 8th grade! Let's get ready for a great 2nd semester!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mrs. Johnson's 8th Grade Digital Piano students

Mrs. Johnson's 8th Grade Digital Piano students demonstrated what they learned this semester...many of them having never played the piano prior to being in her class!

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

EXAMS and other important information!

The end of the semester is quickly approaching and that means EXAMS!! Eighth graders will have cumulative exams in all core classes next week. Many teachers have already given out study guides and talked to students about what they should be doing to prepare themselves for these important exams. Exams can greatly impact a semester grade (positively or negatively) so all students should be studying for these.

How will this impact my grade?
  • English I and Algebra I classes will take an exam that will count as a test grade, included in their Quarter 2 Average.
  • All other classes will have an exam that will count 20% of their semester average.
Exam Schedule:
Wednesday, January 15-Core 1 and Core 2 Exams
Thursday, January 16-Core 3 and Core 4 Exams

Other Eighth Grade Items of Importance:
  • Eighth grade t-shirts are still on sale for $12. Purchase your shirt from Ms. DePinto during lunch.
  • The 8th grade class picture will be on Friday. Order forms went home yesterday. If you would like to buy an 8th grade class photo bring your completed order form with $12 with you on Friday.
  • It is not too late to sign up for the Washington, DC field study! You can get the information on the trip and the number to call to register from Mr. Mew's website: You don't want to miss out on this great trip!
  • All 8th grade PE students will be starting the human development unit next Monday. A letter went home this past Monday describing the unit. Please read over this and return to your child's PE teacher by this Friday only if you do not want your child to participate in this unit of the health curriculum.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome back, Rising 9th Graders!!

As we have embarked on a new calendar year, let us all resolve to put forth our maximum effort in all aspects of school in order ensure that this is the BEST year ever! Our senior students are now being referred to as "Rising 9th Graders" to symbolize the elevation of expectations that will put best prepare them to begin high school next fall.  This half of the year tends to go by rapidly so it is important that everyone pays close attention to the "little things" that will lead to HUGE success!

 Please consider the following quotes of inspiration and make sure to govern yourself according to the calendar items listed below:

Quotes for the week:
  • “In matters of style, swim with current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” Thomas Jefferson 
 • “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Vince Lombardi 
 • “Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.” Bacall 
 • “Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They’re what make the instrument stretch – what make you go beyond the norm.” Tyson 
 • “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” Ozick

Our week will include the following...

 Tues – Wrestling – STMS vs Nations Ford (5 pm)

 Thursday – Ambassadors will meet at 7:45 am in Mrs. East's room
                 - Boys/Girls Basketball – STMS vs Dutchman Creek (boys=home)

 Friday - Grade Level Class photo - cost is $12, payable at the camera on Friday

 **Also C/O 2014 T-shirts are on sale for only $12!!!**

Let's make every effort possible to have a fantastic week!

Mr. Moton and Mrs. DePinto