

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Team 8-3 Wins Round One!!

In the first of many Jeopardy-styled team competitions to be held throughout the year among the science classes, Ms. Carter's Team 8-3 science students prevailed in what turned out to be a closley contested, spirited contest this past Friday! The final scores after all four core classes competed were Team 8-1 (Consalvi) 96 points, Team 8-2 (Davis) 96 points, and Team 8-3 (Carter) 112 points!

"It was a good experience and a great way to give the kids an idea of what the benchmark test questions on Monday are going to be like," stated Mr. Consalvi.

All three teachers are impressed with the content knowledge of the students, but also recognize that this is only the beginning...there's a long, long ways to go for everyone!

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