

Monday, September 23, 2013

iOS7 Upgrade: Patience is a Virtue!

Students and parents,
The excitement of new and innovative technological tools is something most of us can appreciate...especially me, a self-proclaimed geek! However, under the insistence of our district technology department, I must continue to insist that we RESIST the temptation to upgrade district owed iPads to iOS7 until we get the clearance to do so. It is not that we do not want you enjoy the new look and features that Apple is offering; it is that there are several security features within the architecture of this new operating system that must be deployed before it is safe to upgrade without problems and restrictions on our district servers. As soon as we get the green light to upgrade, I promise you will be among the first to know.

For those of you that ignored my pleas last week and upgraded the district devices despite being asked kindly not to do so (parents, I literally visited every classroom five days straight announcing this, including a day prior to Apple releasing the upgrade), you may experience some odd issues and will undoubtedly have a few added measures placed on your district device that will in fact cause you and your teacher some inconvenience. Even if it appears that your device is working fine, you may be inadvertently causing problems in other areas. With all of that said, your patience is a must! Until things are worked out by the experts, we will all have to do our best to work with what we have in place.
I apologize for this inconvenience but I sincerely thank you for understanding!

Yours every step of the way,
Mr. Moton

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