

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Saluda Trail Spring Pix Schedule 2014 via Mrs. Dantzler

Saluda Trail Spring Pix Schedule 2014
Friday, April 25th,2014
Spring  individual pictures will be taken in the media center during the times listed below. Buddy pictures will be taken outside the cafeteria. Students wishing to take buddy pictures with someone outside their grade level must do so before school. Only students paying will take pictures this day.  Students should place money in the Lifetouch envelope. The envelope should be given to the camera person or parent volunteer who is assisting the camera person. Teachers are to send students to the media center about 5 mins. before designated time in order to expedite the picture-taking process. Students should remain quiet and orderly as they wait to be called.
*Note: Students will be allowed to change into a different top ONLY for picture day. They must have on dress code bottoms. They must also change back into dress code top immediately after photo is taken! __________________________________________________________________________________________
Individual Spring pixs will be taken in Media Center during times scheduled below:

7:45 - 8:30           Secretaries, Guidance, Administrators, Support Staff
(Anyone who can take pix early)
8th Grade

8:30 - 8:50           (8.1) Consalvi, Hunsinger, Warner, White

8:55 – 9:15          (8.2) Davis, Herring, McAndrews, Sechrist

9:20– 9:40           (8.3) Carter, Collins, Mew, Stillman
7tth Grade

9:45- 10:05          (7.1) Kostecki, Marshall, McKoy, Miller

10:10 – 10:25      (7.2) Busbee, Madden, Robinson, Tracy

10:30 - 10:50       (7.3) Bridges, Crenshaw, Ford, Koterba
6th Grade  

10:55 – 11:05        (6.1)   Bradely, Horency, Nesbitt, Pasuit

11:10– 11:30       (6.2)   Kelly, Kerr

11:30 – 11:55      (6.3)   Charles, Denio, McCammon, Millar
 Special Classes, PMD , Recovery,– Anyone Who has not taken photos

12:00 - 12:30

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