

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sweet Voices of the Trail

Several young ladies of STMS will be a part of the Honors Choir. This is a prestigious honor for students from all 5 Rock Hill Middle Schools and York Middle. The students had to practice for several months before the audition in preparation. When the audition day came, they had to sing in front of guest judges to attain their spot. The group will now practice diligently individually and as a group with Ms. Johnson until February when they will practice together. The group will perform for the community with guest directors at the end of February 2014. Congratulations on a job well done and best wishes for a continued success!
 Eighth Grade Honors Choir Students
L to R: Cashan McKoy, Kierra Chislon, Bree Hickman, Jae'da Washington, Kyrah Chislon, and Tye Johnson

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