

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dates to Remember!

We are rapidly approaching the end of Middle School. But. . . It's not over yet! There are a lot of fun events planned and some very important dates to remember. Let's all push for a strong finish with grades and behavior. You don't want to miss out on anything over the next couple of weeks, so put these important dates on your calendar or in your device.

Thursday, May 1 @ 7 pm:  Chorus Concert
Friday, May 2 @ 4:30 pm: Band Concert
Tuesday, May 6: PASS Testing (ELA)
Wednesday, May 7: PASS Testing (Math)
Thursday, May 8: PASS Testing (Science or SS)
Friday, May 9: Rising 9th Grade STEM camp information sessions
Monday, May 12 @ 5:30: DC Parent Meeting (Auditorium)
Tuesday, May 13: The Choice Bus experience (more info to come)
                            Evening Drama Performance
Friday, May 16: Shakespeare Play
Tuesday, May 20 JDRF walk
Tuesday, May 20 (9 PM)-Saturday, May 24 (7 AM): Washington, DC Field Study
Monday, May 26: Memorial Day. NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday, May 27: Mrs. DePinto's birthday!
Wednesday, May 28: English I EOC
Thursday, May 29: Algebra I EOC
Friday, May 30: Spanish Exam
                         8th Grade Dance (6-8 PM)
Monday, June 2: Core 1 & 2 Exams
Tuesday, June 3: Core 3 & 4 Exams
Wednesday, June 4: 8th Grade Cookout
Thursday, June 5 @ 9 am: 8th Grade Graduation!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Saluda Trail Spring Pix Schedule 2014 via Mrs. Dantzler

Saluda Trail Spring Pix Schedule 2014
Friday, April 25th,2014
Spring  individual pictures will be taken in the media center during the times listed below. Buddy pictures will be taken outside the cafeteria. Students wishing to take buddy pictures with someone outside their grade level must do so before school. Only students paying will take pictures this day.  Students should place money in the Lifetouch envelope. The envelope should be given to the camera person or parent volunteer who is assisting the camera person. Teachers are to send students to the media center about 5 mins. before designated time in order to expedite the picture-taking process. Students should remain quiet and orderly as they wait to be called.
*Note: Students will be allowed to change into a different top ONLY for picture day. They must have on dress code bottoms. They must also change back into dress code top immediately after photo is taken! __________________________________________________________________________________________
Individual Spring pixs will be taken in Media Center during times scheduled below:

7:45 - 8:30           Secretaries, Guidance, Administrators, Support Staff
(Anyone who can take pix early)
8th Grade

8:30 - 8:50           (8.1) Consalvi, Hunsinger, Warner, White

8:55 – 9:15          (8.2) Davis, Herring, McAndrews, Sechrist

9:20– 9:40           (8.3) Carter, Collins, Mew, Stillman
7tth Grade

9:45- 10:05          (7.1) Kostecki, Marshall, McKoy, Miller

10:10 – 10:25      (7.2) Busbee, Madden, Robinson, Tracy

10:30 - 10:50       (7.3) Bridges, Crenshaw, Ford, Koterba
6th Grade  

10:55 – 11:05        (6.1)   Bradely, Horency, Nesbitt, Pasuit

11:10– 11:30       (6.2)   Kelly, Kerr

11:30 – 11:55      (6.3)   Charles, Denio, McCammon, Millar
 Special Classes, PMD , Recovery,– Anyone Who has not taken photos

12:00 - 12:30

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Interested in South Pointe Stallions Cheerleading???

Attention rising 9th graders interested in South Pointe Cheerleading: 
There will be a very important parent informational meeting on Wednesday, April 23rd at 6:30 pm in the SPHS library. Tryouts will be on Saturday, May 10th.

If you have questions or concerns prior the meeting, contact the SPHS Athletic Department.

-Memo via SPHS Cheer

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Drone Technology with Terrice McClain at STMS Day of Excellence

Terrice McClain of Sky Pros Visual Marketing spoke to the students at STMS as part of the Day of Excellence.  He spoke briefly about how his hobby of flying drones turned into a business! After detailing the intricacies involved in his field and how he's paid attention to take care of the little things that would help him perfect his craft, he demonstrated two of his drones in The Gallery!

The cast of Annie, Jr. attended the annual Broadway Junior Festival in Charlotte!

The cast of Annie, Jr. attended the annual Broadway Junior Festival on April 7th at the Knight Theatre in Charlotte. The students performed a scene from Annie, Jr. and received commentary from professional artists who help write, choreograph, and stage the Broadway Jr. shows in NYC. The students were especially treated to work with Cindy Ripley who piloted the first production of Annie, Jr. in 1995 and wrote the first director's guide for the show! The day also included watching performances from 14 other school productions, workshops, and lunch in their own private dressing room.