

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The BEST is yet to come!!

Good, Better, BEST!
Never Let It Rest,
Until Good is Better
And Better is BEST!!

As amazing as it is to imagine, 8th grade is here!  It seems more like yesterday, rather than two years ago, that a timid group of new 6th graders entered the wonderful (and often times wacky) world of middle school!  Yet in two short years, we as a grade level have grown tremendously and thus are poised and prepared to make the 2013-14 school year the BEST year ever!! No longer are we settling for being simply 'good'.  As a matter of fact, being 'better' is simply not enough! Nothing less than being the absolute BEST is acceptable! NO EXCUSES...NO EXPLANATIONS! Make like Nike and "Just do it"!!

Yours every step of the way,

Mr.Coach Moton